
Services provided by the institution to all Catalan sports federations.

Labour Service

The labour service:

. Offers integrated advice with regards to work and social security law, specialising in the sports sector.

. analyses the labour relationships within the entity, from labour management to the most complete vision of all aspects related with work and social security law.

. Deliver personalised, global and effective solutions thanks to the lawyers, economists, fiscal specialists and other professionals that'll participate in the analysis of your club with their extensive knowledge on all aspects of sports clubs.

Labour management and advice

The aim of this service is to provide all federations and clubs with a global assessment that is able to cover their needs relating to their workings, tax and social security.

This involves offering the following:

. Creating payrolls and social security for workers.

. Preparing the necessary information for the regular IRPF declaration as well as for similar procedures.

. Preparing the necessary information for the Annual IRPF declaration.

. Individual certificates of remuneration, retentions and discounts of Social Security on the effects of the IRPF.

. Advice, preparation and process of the necessary documentation to hire workers, extend contracts and change dates. High-level management contracts are not included.

Regular information on contract expiry dates and a follow up of the pertinent steps to take.

. Preparation and processing of the necessary documents in cases where workers leave the federation.

. Compensation and settlement costs calculation.

. Resolution of questions that are verbally formulated or written regarding the previous aspects.

The Union provides this service freely to all sports federations that request it.

. Study of labour costs and compensation.

· Labour auditing of the company.

· Legal advice.

· Human resources advice.

· Advice and negotiation with Company Committees.

· Dismissing individuals and groups (ERO)

· Labour department reconciliations.

· Procedures for work inspection.

·Procedure representation in Judicial Courts.

· Superior tribunal resources.